
Main themes:

Woman/female “protagonist”/main character spanning across all “chapters”

Negative influences from outside sources affecting lives of female character

Family being a very powerful support system

Gender Roles

Accident, Coincident, or Answer Prayer

“Each time I came to, i saw that he continued to cry and to beat me and I continued to pass out” (30)

Firstly gives insight into overpowering dominance and abuse of men over women.

Then gives insight into the gratitude women must show to


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“Morning Song” is Sylvia Plath’s tribute to her newborn daughter, Frieda. Composed early in 1961 when the baby was eight months old, it expresses the ambivalence of new motherhood – the joy, the optimism, the wistfulness, the uncertainty. Plath’s view is beautiful and relatable, though not without its anxieties. Structure:

The poem comprises six stanzas of three non-rhyming lines each. It is a first person monologue in free verse with run-on lines, enjambment, reflecting the meaning and


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Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was an army officer who founded an independent Republic of Turkey out of the ruins of the Ottoman Empire. He then served as Turkey’s first president from 1923 until his death in 1938, implementing reforms that rapidly secularized and westernized the country. It was because of this that practicing religion in public became difficult and served problematic. In attempts to modernize the country,  Mustafa implemented Kemalism (also known as 6 arrows). These six principles where


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Organelles and Functions:

• Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum: Responsible for the assembly of many proteins • Cell Membrane: Controls the movements in & out of the cell and organelles • Golgi Apparatus: Process and bundle macromolecules like proteins and lipids • Mitochondria: Perform cellular respiration 0 Breaks nutrients into energy • Nucleus: Contains a majority of the genetic material • Nucleolus: Rewrite ribosomal RNA and combine it with proteins • Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum:...

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Untitled 6

Explain the process of transcription in prokaryotes, including the role of the promoter region, RNA polymerase, nucleoside triphosphates and the terminator

A gene is a sequence of DNA which is transcribed into RNA and contain three main parts:

Promoter:  Responsible for the initiation of transcription

Coding Sequence:  The sequence of DNA that is actually transcribed

Terminator:  Sequence that serves to terminate transcription

State that eukaryotic RNA needs the removal of introns to form mature


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Explain the effects of the following on enzyme activity: ➢ Temperature: Temperature influences the bonds that occur between the R groups of the amino acids and are responsible for the 3D shape of a protein. • At cold temperatures, the bonds of the tertiary structures become rigid, preventing induced fit. In addition, molecules move slower at lower temperatures decreasing the collisions between enzymes and substrates. As a result, the reaction rate is lower. • At high temperatures, the bonds


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A few minutes ago just confirmed The fourth death as a result of Flu in aragon on the flu Report from the European Union ensures that The percentage of people who do not leave Vaccine is less than 60 percent The problem says the experts is the Younger population that is suspicious of The vaccine only 57% of the population Risk of being vaccinated against Flu is the European union and Refers to the period 2008-2012 Previously there were seven out of ten people Those that most concern the experts


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